Gezichtsverzorging - OSKIA Citylife Concentrate - 35053
Productnummer: 3157881

OSKIA Citylife Concentrate

Oskia - Citylife Concentrate. 15ml.
It is one of the first proven products to clinically show protection against free radicals, nickel, iron, other heavy metals and atmospheric dust. You get a micro-encapsulated blend of Astaxanthin & Malachite, EUK 134, Co-Enzyme Q10, Vitamin B3, C & E, O3 Yeast Candle, Smithsonite and Camellia. Works well with your normal skincare products, with Citylife Concentrate stepping in to provide unrivaled protection.

72,29 € 59,74 € excl. BTW
Goedkoopste privé verzending 6,99 €
Extern magazijn, 6 - 7 werkdagen levertijd

Add 1 part (drop) of concentrate to 3 parts (drops) of your normal skincare product.
Mix together in the palm of your hand and massage into the skin.
Can be easily combined with serum, oil or foundation

Great booster concentrate from OSKIA
Suitable for all skin types and ages
Protects against indoor and outdoor pollution
Clinically proven protection against free radicals and more
Contains staxanthin, malachite, smithsonite and camellia
Please note that due to the content of vitamin C, it is not necessary to use another skincare product with vitamin C in your routine. EUK-134 does not work well with vitamin C, which is naturally acidic


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